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The product line of choice for UV-C Disinfection of handheld items,
and air to battle COVID-19, C.diff, MRSA, and HAIs.

AUVS provides proven UV-C Systems and Workflow solutions that allow for the FREQUENT disinfection of hand-held, mobile devices, larger items, and high-touch surfaces. In addition our new BioProtector BRAD (Big Room Air Disinfection) product line provides unprecedented, continuous Disinfection of Air in all environments.  

Our industry-leading tabletop and free-standing Germicidal Enclosures, as well as our whole-room and air disinfection systems can be used Individually or integrated into a Complete AUVS Infection Prevention Solution.

Patented and Proven in the US Pentagon and throughout more than 700 Hospitals and Hospital Groups, AUVS' industry-leading tabletop and free-standing Germicidal Enclosures, as well as our whole-room and air disinfection systems are also in use in hundreds of Physician’s Offices, Dental Practices, Law Enforcement and EMS Environments, Government and Educational Institutions, Food Processing sites, General Industry and Offices.


The UV Box
Phone, Handheld items and PPE Disinfection

For High Capacity Throughput and Larger Items  

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Ray UV-C
Indoor and in-Vehicle Surface Disinfection

Full-Room Disinfection


BARDS, our monitoring and management system, adds further efficiency and cost-savings to the entire AUVS line. 

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GSA AUVS Contract Logo with Number.png

AUVS' Award-Winning UV-C Disinfection
Systems are now GSA Approved.
Learn More


March 22, 2023 - AUVS Introduces its Building Automation Ready Disinfection System - BARDS. Integrating AUVS' Air, Device & Surface disinfection products with any Building Automation System, BARDS helps large companies, building owners and building management companies create safer work, manufacturing & education environments.

Click for full Press Release and Infographic

Rely on AUVS UV-C Technologies: Wherever disinfection is a priority... Whenever cross-contamination is a concern.

Wherever mobile devices including Cell Phones and Tablets undermine Hand Hygiene Programs 

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For EMS, Fire and Police Departments and Administrative Offices

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In Corporations, Transportation, Hospitality, Gyms, Restaurants and Retail

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From Day Care to College, AUVS can help protect students and staff

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The surface disinfection technology in AUVS products is similar to our technology that we implemented in the air systems at the U. S. Pentagon to protect against bioterrorism.


What is Photon Trap Technology?



Dr. Wayne Clark developed the UV Photon Trap Technology for the Department of Defense to protect against anthrax spores and other biological agents in moving air. Similar technology is used in the UV Box. Working off the principle that a photon can never be at rest, the Photon Trap uses highly reflective mirrors causing the photon to bounce back-and-forth many times before escaping or being absorbed.

This process of essentially trapping the photon for about nanosecond dramatically increases the UV irradiance and the associated germicidal effect.

- Cell phones have been proven 10 times more contaminated than public restroom toilet seats!
- Number of times we handle our cell phones per day: More than 2,600.
- Number of times the average user disinfects their phone: 0.
- Nearly every US hospital has a Hand Hygiene program to reduce Hospital Associated Infections.
- Effective disinfection of phones - which are handled 2,617 times a day - has essentially gone unaddressed in healthcare.
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Can the UV-C used in The UV Box Damage expensive electronic equipment?



The short answer: "No". The electronics in phones and electronic devices are located inside metal, glass and plastic enclosures. The UV-C  does not penetrate these enclosures. If the UV could reach the electronic circuits, the photon energy of 254 nm is too low to damage semiconductors, printed circuits, etc. 

With 30 year's experience developing intense UV sources, AUVS Chief Technology Officer Dr. Wayne Clark is one the nation's leading experts on
UV energy for antimicrobial applications. 

Dr. Clark and his team developed the UV Box to address the spread of Hospital Associated Infections (HAIs) in healthcare facilities.


Why UV?​



The wavelengths in certain parts of the UV spectrum are such that they can efficiently break apart molecular bonds in strands of nucleic acid (DNA) in microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms. Once these bonds are broken, the microorganisms cease to survive and function. 

For Food Processing Facilities, Cafeterias and Restaurants, contamination-related closings can cost thousands to millions of dollars in revenue, lost time, decreased productivity and reputation damage.

Traditional methods of disinfecting handheld items including knives, kitchen implements, cell phones and tablets are not enough.


What products are currently available with AUVS Inside?​



AUVS currently offers germicidal enclosures for the disinfection of mobile devices, handheld devices and instruments, face masks and many other healthcare related items. In addition, AUVS product development associates can work with potential partners to incorporate AUVS’ enhanced UV technology into existing cleaning and disinfection products to increase effectiveness and fight cross-contamination.

For more information click to contact AUVS.

Traditional methods of disinfecting handcuffs have been blamed for fouling and damaging locks resulting in cuffs having to be cut off of prisoners. 
This complaint had been confirmed from New York to Dublin.
The UV Box does not damage any item that it disinfects.


What Industries can AUVS Technology be applied to?



AUVS' patented technology can be used in any industry, institution or home where the spread of disease  needs to be effectively addressesed.

Close living and working conditions contribute to the spread of colds, the flu and others serious illnesses among students and staff at every level of education.
Improved hygiene and disinfection of shared and mobile items have been identified as important control factors.
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